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PatentSearch API 2.1.1

· One min read

New fields in Publications Endpoint

The following fields have been added to the publications endpoint:

  • "us-parties" sub-entity with sub-fields:
    • us_party_type
    • us_party_designation
    • location_id
    • us_party_name_first
    • us_party_name_last
    • us_party_organization
    • us_party_sequence
    • applicant_authority
  • cpc_at_issue.action_date
  • foreign_priority.priority_claim_sequence
  • granted_pregrant_crosswalk.current_patent_id_flag
  • granted_pregrant_crosswalk.current_pgpub_id_flag
  • ipcr.ipc_class_level
  • ipcr.ipc_class_status
  • pct_data.filed country
  • us_related_documents.related_doc_sequence
  • wipo.wipo_sector_title

Fields re-named

The following fields in the publications endpoint have had their names changed for consistency with other PatentsView Data:

  • pct_data.pct_371c124_date -> pct_data.pct_371_date
  • pct_data.pct_371c12_date -> pct_data.pct_102_date

Bug fixes

  • a bug preventing the correct functionality of the "Try it out" feature on the /api/v1/inventor/{inventor_id}/ and /api/v1/location/{location_id}/ endpoints has been fixed.